Privacy Policy

Updated as of April 24, 2024

  • What data is collected? This site collects names, home addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers processed through IP addresses. Squarespace is our analytics provider. 

  • How is your data being collected? Online forms are used to enter email details for newsletters. Data collection using cookies through Squarespace hosting is detailed here

  • What is done with your data? The data collected is used as stated. Based on your preferences, you will be added to an email newsletter list.

  • How customers can control their data. You can edit your subscription preferences for mailing lists in the footer of emails. If you need help, you can always email our team anytime with your request, and we will be happy to edit your subscription for you.

  • How we protect your data. Maxxentum staff are the only people who have access to data collected on the website.